My Top 5 Tips For Boudoir Lighting Using Flash

A silver Venetian masquerade mask resting on a beige lounger lit with dark and moody lighting.

In this article I’m going to reveal my top 5 tips for boudoir lighting when using flash. And further down I throw in a bonus tip where I’ll explain how to use a flash trigger that’s not compatible with your camera to still fire your flash. Okay let’s do this! My top five tips for […]

How To Learn Boudoir Lighting Fast With Less Complication!

BTS of light and airy look for boudoir

In this article I’ll reveal how you can learn lighting for boudoir fast. And in bit further down I’ll show some examples with lighting diagrams for a certain kind of look in boudoir. So, stick around for that. Now, I believe most people who teach lighting are going about it all wrong… because they break […]

2 Ways To Create Depth In Your Boudoir Images

A key ingredient boudoir photographers can use to elevate their photography is to create more depth in their images. But how do you do this? Photography is a two-dimensional medium that captures a three-dimensional world. Length and height are fairly well defined by your subject and any furniture that occupies your frame, however, depth can […]